Thanks for another successful backpack drive for 2019!

Thanks for another successful backpack drive for 2019!

Thank you everyone who contributed to our annual backpack mission during November-December, 2019.

Our mission provides basic necessities to needy families in our neighboring Boston communities of Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, and Roslindale.

With a Diocesan grant from the Neponset River Deanery, and a successful fundraising through a Pre-Thanksgiving Bake Sale last, we were able to provide stuffed backpacks to the ABCD sites in Jamaica Plain and Mattapan, and the Home for Little Wanderers site in Roslindale.

Our fundraising bake sale, with donations, surpassed our $1,000 goal! Thank you to everyone who baked, bought, and packed the backpacks—always a fun event!  Also, many thanks to those who helped deliver the backpacks to the distribution locations. As a faith community we are blessed to be able to help families in need in time for Christmas.