Rev. Joyce’s Blog – Adversity, Melt Downs and Victories

Rev. Joyce’s Blog – Adversity, Melt Downs and Victories

Adversity, melt downs and victories

The Corona virus is so named because it looks like a crown! So where do we find the victory for that crown?

Yesterday in my household, we had three melt downs. The expression ‘melt down ‘ comes from the effect of a nuclear facility’s failure that results in intense heat that melts down the infrastructure of the power plant. Melt downs in my household happen when tolerance ends and chaos follows.

All the children are now at home. As a grandparent I am home caring for grandchildren. This experience has to be somehow universal.

I’m homeschooling. I never thought I’d be doing this but felt up to the challenge. That is until yesterday. I began with an attempt at scheduling.

“We will begin school at 9:00 am!” I declared. And we did! The computer, so frequently, used was to be our savior, right? But there are too many students and parents are using it! So when grandchild #1 tried to “Zoom” with his teacher at 11:00 am, we couldn’t connect. Child screams at grandma, “Grandma! You don’t use the HELP button!” At this point, only God can help because teacher A forgot the scheduled zoom.  Not revealed, of course, until 6:00 pm. The reveal … went to mom, not grandma. Tears, frustration, and anger abounded!

At 5:00 pm, mother is expected home, all is well?  Kids are hungry, grandma’s house is a mess. No one has mentioned dinner.  Hmmm. She’ll be home soon…. maybe?  Nope! Child #2 is starving! She demands another grilled cheese sandwich before supper. A phone call to mom reveals a crisis has come up in the nursing home over who is going to be ALLOWED into the nursing home when this pandemic blows up. She is delayed.

Grandma is frustrated, her house is a mess, people are calling, everyone is hungry… child #2 throws herself down on the bed in tears. Grandma screams [inside]  but the meltdown has become a unifying experience.

Dinner is quickly devised, mom returns home, teacher reveals mistake. All is well.

And that, my friends is the CROWN.

We must simply get through this. And God is providing the patience and the glory and the joy that today we made it through.

May God bless you and keep you safe and connected and patient. We will get to the other side of this and God will be delivering our crowns, not some silly invisible virus.


Joyce Caggiano