Message regarding church services at Emmanuel for Sunday, March 15 and other information

Dear Friends of Emmanuel,

We are dealing with an unprecedented public health crisis surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The leadership at Emmanuel, following guidance from the Diocese of Massachusetts and National church, has decided that the following measures will be taken to enforce the recommended social distancing to limit the risk of infection transmission.

The Service:

  • This coming Sunday March 15th, we will celebrate a simple spoken Eucharist, an abbreviated sermon, without procession, choir or music.  CDC recommends maintaining a minimum of six feet of separation between people at all times.
  • People should remain in their pews for the Peace, and not shake hands or otherwise have physical contact with others. A wave or bow will suffice.
  • The sermon will be taped and uploaded to the Emmanuel website, as usual.
  •  Rev. Joyce will keep the host at the altar and only wafers without wine will be offered at communion.
  • Collection plates will not be passed, but left at the rear and front of the church to receive your weekly offering. 
  • Choir practice and coffee hour are canceled until further notice.
  • Sunday school is also suspended until further notice.

The situation is very fluid at the moment. We are considering livestreaming the liturgy in the future. We will continue to evaluate and modify plans depending on ongoing public health recommendations. Rev. Joyce will offer further instructions on Sunday if necessary.

Please do not attend the service if you have been unwell with a cough, sore throat or fever, or in contact with anyone who has these symptoms or has recently traveled internationally.

A message from Rev. Dr. Joyce Caggiano:

 “We are in a most unusual and difficult time. The Coronavirus is unseeable but has created the greatest disruption the world has ever known. And so, on the advice of medical professionals and ecclesiastical authorities we will need to change our way of serving God and one another.

Our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry put it this way, “obedience to the moral primacy of love for the neighbor must direct us.”  Today God is calling us to stretch our hearts and minds and love one another by separating ourselves physically but even more intensely to spiritually hold one another close.”

Emmanuel Church Leadership