Message from Emmanuel Wardens and March 16 Communication from Bishop Alan Gates

Dear Friends of Emmanuel,

I write to inform you that Sunday worship services have been suspended indefinitely for the foreseeable future.

We are currently exploring several online streaming options that will enable you to share in Sunday worship online and will bring more details shortly

Below is an excerpt of the most recent communication from the office of Bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts:


“Thank you for your faithful leadership and care for your respective congregations in these past few days.  We have been gratified by reports of the innovative ways you are finding to worship and to support one another in virtual community.

At this moment it is important to communicate new restrictions by which we must abide given the latest mandates from Governor Baker, effective immediately, and to let you know of several Zoom meetings set up for clergy (and wardens-in-charge) on Tuesday and Thursday of this week to discuss best practices, breaking developments and local response to the care of our neighbors.  Please review thoroughly all details of this letter, and last week’s two communiques.

We look forward to sharing additional learnings from last Sunday’s online worship experiences, as well as further resources and pastoral messages later in the week.

Faithfully and gratefully,

The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates

The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris

Public Worship Services

Given Governor Baker’s directive, all public worship services are to be canceled through and including Palm Sunday, April 5.  Congregations are encouraged to live-stream services.  Those gathering in person to conduct online streaming or broadcasts must number fewer than 25 and follow the protocols distributed on March 11 and March 12, found here.

Planning Ahead

The COVID-19 crisis is likely to extend beyond the current period of the public health directive.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now suggesting protocols extending at least eight weeks.  Please plan for disruptions and cancellations beyond April 5.

Weddings and Funerals

Weddings and funerals will likely need to be postponed, given Governor Baker’s directive.  Should such services take place, no more than 25 persons may attend and the protocols for safe gathering must be followed.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

The following guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting come from the CDC and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are commended to congregations and church-affiliated ministries:

We will share other ways of staying in touch with your parish family in coming days.

We ask that you refer to the Emmanuel website at  for the latest updates.

Please take care of each other during this challenging time and remember that social distancing does not mean social isolation.

In Christ,

Susan and John