Emmanuel Church Newsletter, September 5, 2020

Emmanuel Church Newsletter, September 5, 2020

Newsletter Friday, September 4, 2020

Dear friends of Emmanuel,

I am pleased to be back at Emmanuel after being away for four weeks. In my absence, the liturgy was carried out in a beautiful and inspiring way by many of Emmanuel’s parishioners. What great theologians you all are!  I look forward to our Dialogue Sermon this Friday, September 4, at 7:00 p.m. live on Zoom. Please go to the website to find sermons you might have missed.

The gospel for this week is Matthew 18:15-20. Jesus tells us – if a member of the church offends you, go and point out the fault, first alone, then with others, then among the congregation. These words seem like precise instructions for how to deal with someone in the congregation with whom we have found “fault”.

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Emmanuel Newsletter 09052020 Final