Welcoming God. Welcoming Community. Welcoming You.

Category: Community

Rev. Joyce’s Blog Heartbreak Hill April 23, 2020

Rev. Joyce’s Blog Heartbreak Hill April 23, 2020

The Boston was to have happened on Monday. It did not. And yes, this quarantine is like a marathon and we have come to the part that in Boston we call Heartbreak Hill —or is it Heart Brake Hill?

No museums are open, nor any playgrounds where out-of-school children can play. No theaters, restaurants or other entertainments are available to us.

For me, the most difficult thing is I can’t walk the beaches on brisk spring days when flowers are in bloom and summer is just ahead.

So, here we are, running through an unwanted, least expected time of stress. This feels a lot like a marathon, and we are reaching the end of tolerance.

Who would have thought a year ago that schools and workplaces would be closed for months or that 25 million Americans would be filing for unemployment? We could not have imagined sheltering at home to stop the spread of a deadly disease. But that is what we are facing, and it is a heart break.

Some of us are fed up and asking why? Some of us are asking, what can I do? So here is some help with that.

Try taking a “heart brake.”

Take this time to do for yourself things you have never had time for or dared to do:

  • Sleep when you need to
  • Read the books you have stored on your shelf
  • Send or leave a friend a gift of flowers, masks, or just a written note (Many of our elderly are shut in and do not even have access to internet. Some do not have TVs)

It is a time for us to look outward and to become the bearers of God’s good news through our actions.

I have no doubt that God is with us in this pandemic, asking us to rethink what is and who are important to us. We might face our limitations and maybe even dare to do something we have never done before. Paint a picture. Cook a gourmet meal. Give to someone in need. Take stock of those we have harmed or disliked. Re-assess the issues.

Pray, think, sing! Dance like no one is watching. As I sit here in my dining room, I can hear the someone singing on my street, “When the Saints go marching in!”

Be joyful my friends. We are living in history. What we do today is a measure of our substance. And yes, God is there cheering us on.

Be well, this “heartbreak” can be fixed, and this ‘brake’ is ours for the making of a blessing.

God Bless you all,

The Rev. Joyce Caggiano

Rev. Joyce’s Blog The New Normal?? April 17, 2020

Rev. Joyce’s Blog The New Normal?? April 17, 2020

I’m writing this because as Christians and citizens it is important that we recognize that the “new normal” everyone is talking about is real.  We are facing a subtle but real change in our lives as social beings.

We live in a new volatile world at this moment in time.  It reminds me of the fears that must have been experienced during WWII.  The Japanese Americans were put in camps out of fear that they were our enemy.  Men who were rejected by the Armed Services were ostracized.  People who had access to desired resources became special. Befriending the right people might get you the things you needed or wanted.

Today we are living in a different world than any of us have ever known.  For example, I am home schooling my grandchildren.  The first week was frustrating. Not enough bandwidth on the internet. The second week was better.  The third week was miserable.  The fourth week we have settled in to OUR new normal.

Many people, including myself, are making masks so that people can protect themselves from an invisible enemy that seems to be winning this war.  I am also sewing medical gowns for my daughter’s nursing home staff.  Why?  Because there is a scarcity and inadequacy of vitally necessary equipment.  Something none of us could have imagined only months ago.

A few days ago, I went to my favorite local discount fabric store to buy fabric for the medical gowns.  The owner of the store (whom I’d never met before) gave me 50 yards of nylon waterproof fabric for $2 per yard. That made 25 gowns.  Yesterday I went back to purchase the last of his supply.

But this time the owner wasn’t there.  When I placed my bolt of fabric on the counter, I asked if I could receive the discounted price.  (Full price was $2.99 per yard). The clerk looked at me suspiciously and refused to give me the discount. She told me I could wait for the owner if I wanted.  I couldn’t. Then she looked at me with a subtle kind of fear and told me to step back away from her. There was a very large counter between us at least five feet wide.  I stepped back and paid the full price for the same fabric. I left feeling sadness and frustration.

Are we afraid of one another now more than before? Have you noticed that people who are carefully “social distancing” are sometimes actually unfriendly? Are we more suspicious of one another? Is this the new social order? When we are hoarding, it means taking more than we need and the result is that others don’t have enough. Is this what we WANT?

Living as a community is more important than ever. As a parish community this pandemic makes our work critical to the health of our world.  The only way through this pandemic is to hold tight to the things that matter.  Not physical things but the things that make our lives rich with joy and peace and generosity.  Our faith in a God that loves us through the most difficult circumstances.  A God that never leaves us.  Emmanuel Church is like many Christian communities today, struggling to make our way back to normal.  But normal today is new and different.  The “different” needs to shape us into better people, the way that Jesus taught us.  The WAY that makes us children of the light, bearers of love and compassion.  The WAY of the Lord, the one who will carry us into life again and again and again.

I miss you all and pray for you.  Be well, be safe, be generous, patient and compassionate.  Our faithfulness will bring us into the “new normal” full of the glories of God.

Peace to you, my friends,

The Rev. Joyce Caggiano




Habits of Grace: All Belong in this Family of God, Monday, April 13 Meditation

Habits of Grace: All Belong in this Family of God, Monday, April 13 Meditation

Habits of Grace, April 13, 2020: An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry
[April 13, 2020] As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing social distancing, I invite you to join me each week to take a moment to cultivate a ‘habit of grace.’ A new meditation will be posted on Mondays through May. These meditations can be watched at any time by clicking here.
Rev. Joyce’s Blog – Liturgies of the Heart April 8, 2020

Rev. Joyce’s Blog – Liturgies of the Heart April 8, 2020


Well, here we are in the strangest Holy Week ever experienced. Some of us found solace in the quiet, sometimes sad, contemplative liturgies of Holy Thursday, and Good Friday.

For many Lutherans the Good Friday Passion is the highlight of the liturgical year. In Germany that is very evident. Perhaps those of you who come from that tradition feel that. When I was a girl, my friends and I would go out to buy new hats, the Easter Bonnet. Then, perhaps even a whole outfit for Easter. It was a chance to be extravagant and elegant, sometimes even with white gloves. My brothers would laugh at us and say that we were wearing ‘lamp shades’ on our heads.

So, this morning I was experimenting with the masks I am making, perhaps adding feathers or lace to them! How funny they looked. I was going to send a picture to you all but then I saw myself in the mirror and thought…. hmmmm, NO. Maybe my brothers were right!

The shopping and dressing up was all part of the preparation and the buildup for the big day – Easter – the celebration of the Resurrection. Being ‘shut in’ by the virus raging around us gives us pause to hold on to what is most valuable, to appreciate one another and the gift of our church. We won’t be able to see one another. No hats or masks of any kind will be viewed or commented on, no listening to blessed music, smelling candles burning, feeling the silence and comfort of just being in that beautiful loved and lovely space.

Alas, Jesus gets the final word even on this. I imagine him saying, “find it in yourselves”. The true Resurrection is there. It comes from the finest of God’s gifts, Grace. And you can’t buy that in any store. It is in the storeroom of your heart. Sit still, call upon the Lord, recognize God’s presence, open yourself to the love so abundantly shared and be at peace this Holy Week and Easter. In the meantime, there is talk of a huge celebration after we are cleared for socializing! A feast of extraordinary proportions!

That resurrection will surely light a fire in our hearts. In the meantime, stay close to one another in the distances we are permitted and remember that Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper, celebrated on Maundy Thursday and that the death of Jesus on Friday was GOOD – because life begins when all is lost and we are brought to our knees in adoration of the greatest gift of all, God’s son, Jesus.

With love,

The Rev. Joyce Caggiano



Habits of Grace: His Eye is on the Sparrow, Monday, April 6 Meditation

Habits of Grace: His Eye is on the Sparrow, Monday, April 6 Meditation

Habits of Grace, April 6, 2020: An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry
[April 6, 2020] As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing social distancing, I invite you to join me each week to take a moment to cultivate a ‘habit of grace.’ A new meditation will be posted on Mondays through May.
Rev. Joyce’s Blog –Unexpected Aspects of a Forced Retreat

Rev. Joyce’s Blog –Unexpected Aspects of a Forced Retreat

Unexpected Aspects of a Forced Retreat

The other day I was unexpectedly surprised to notice silence in the middle of the day!

Yes, silence.  It may not seem like much, but I live very close to Mattapan Square.  Although my house is on a secluded side street, the noise of buzzing motorcycles, trucks, buses and emergency vehicles is so common that the absence of them struck me as strange.

So, I began to ponder the wonders of this strange time of staying inside away from friends and family.  It is a kind of “retreat” and I suppose we can take it as a religious retreat if we choose to see it that way.  Of course, for some of us, healthcare workers and essential workers this is NOT a retreat at all.  We must fervently pray for those who are keeping the world together.  Pray that a sense of peace and meaning can be found amidst the noise and tumult of this time.

I was planning a religious retreat only a few weeks ago.  It was to take place last weekend.  It was cancelled, of course.  The funny thing is that the content of that retreat I was planning – was going to help us find methods of discovering our inner voice.  The inner voice where so often God resides.  It was supposed to encourage silence and focus for our inward lives.   No one could have known that the Coronavirus would hit us in this powerful way, leaving everyone in an odd state mentally, physically and emotionally.  Separating us from the hustle of everyday life, alone and away… like a retreat.

This is an opportunity to open our hearts and minds and our senses…. to the wonderful blessings we have been given.  Today I can hear the birds singing.  I get to spend many hours with my grandchildren Nino and Eli.  I am teaching them.  What a great and wonderful experience. Their joy and laughter shiver through me like a balm.  I watch as they sparkle when a new concept is grasped.

Each of us today has an opportunity to focus on what is important and who is important to us.  I pray that we do not squander this time but bring it into our consciousness so as to enhance our lives and bring us to a new understanding of God at work in the world.

We have a chance to FaceTime with people we may never thought we would and to listen to each other.  To talk on the phone.

Most of all, though we are all kept inside, we now have an opportunity to ponder the gifts we have been given.  Gifts that are not earned but are simply there.  Grace.  God’s Grace will bring us through this time of challenge.  While in it, we are called to BE PRESENT to the experience.  Feel the immeasurable love that God has for us and to give in ways we never thought possible.  To Love one another through this incredible time of need.

My heart goes out to you all.  It is a heart full of peace and joy (most of the time) at being able to see and hear all of you in a different way.

God Bless you.

The Rev. Joyce Caggiano

Habits of Grace: An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry

Habits of Grace: An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry

Habits of Grace: An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry

[March 30, 2020] As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing physical distancing, I invite you to join me each week to take a moment to cultivate a ‘habit of grace.’ A new video meditation will be posted on Mondays through May.



A Pastoral Reflection from Bishop Gates March 27, 2020

A Pastoral Reflection from Bishop Gates March 27, 2020

March 27, 2020

Dear People of the Diocese of Massachusetts,

The story is told of a man caught in the turmoil of an earthquake.  With the world falling down around him, he fell to his knees to pray.  Fearful, stricken with dread, he could not form the words.  A devout and lifelong person of faith, he had heard and spoken countless prayers, in public worship and in private.  But in this moment of blind panic, neither the familiar words of the liturgy nor the extemporized plea of his heart took shape.

So he recited as prayer the only thing that came:  he prayed the alphabet.  “A, b, c, d, e, f, g …,” he offered fervently, “… h, i, j, k, …”  On it went, this heartfelt petition, “… p, q, r, s, t, …,”  to its ardent Amen.

The prayer was genuine.  The prayer was offered.  And the prayer, surely, was received.  God knew precisely the prayer of this man’s heart.

As Saint Paul has promised, “the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” [Romans 8:26-27]

In these troublous times we find ourselves struggling for the right words to say to God and to one another.  We search for the right forms, individual and communal.  In our longing for normalcy, we may strive to replicate the most familiar ritual elements and routines.  Other times we may seek fresh inspiration for our prayers and expressions of community.  And sometimes we will need simply to know that for now we are fasting in the wilderness.  Sacramentally and socially, we are fasting – yet we are doing that together with one another around the globe, which is its own gift and grace.

Dear friends in Christ, in these days of wilderness journey:  Keep it simple.  Focus on what matters most.  Pace yourself for the long haul.  Be patient, with yourself and with one another.  Be genuine.  Be generous.  Be grateful.  Love one another.  Spare a word to the lonely.  Contribute to the neediest among us.

Lean on God and pray.  And know that your prayer is good enough, however it comes.  A, b, c, d, …

Faithfully and fondly,


The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates

Important – March 25 COVID-19 Update from the Bishops – Note the Message on Future In-Person Services

Important – March 25 COVID-19 Update from the Bishops – Note the Message on Future In-Person Services

March 25, 2020

Dear Clergy and Lay Leaders of Our Diocese,

The season of Lent is always a time for returning our focus to those things which matter most. In these strange days we find ourselves doing just that–concentrating our every thought and prayer on health and security, petition and thanksgiving, life and love, God and neighbor.

Please see below our latest updates. These guidelines reflect Governor Baker’s March 23 advisory, with its definitions of “Essential Services,” as well as consultation with civic health and policy officers, New England bishops, advisors from church-wide emergency management departments and others.

We continue to be deeply grateful for every way that you are serving your congregations and your communities, every way that you are finding to be the Church in this unprecedented circumstance. May God bless us abundantly with wisdom, compassion, courage and grace.


The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates
The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris


You should now plan for no in-person public worship services until May 31.  We will hope fervently that we might have a Spirit-filled celebration of Pentecost on that day.  As with our March 21 communication, this restriction governs in-person worship open to the public.  Online and live-streamed services from church buildings remain permissible, as long as fewer than 10 people are present, physical distancing is maintained and strict hygiene measures are observed.  Our current listing of churches providing online worship is available here.

If Holy Eucharist is celebrated for live-streamed services, the celebrant alone should receive the sacrament (understood as receiving on behalf of all the people) or the celebrant should abstain (understood as sharing in the fast of all the people).  Others present for the videotaping or broadcast should not receive.  In place of the Invitation (“The gifts of God…”), the following Prayer of Spiritual Communion, as used at Washington National Cathedral, is recommended:

My Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love you above all things, and long for you in my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though you have already come, I embrace you and unite myself entirely to you; never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

Jesús mío, creo que eres verdaderamente presente en el Sagrado Sacramento del Altar. Te amo encima de todas las cosas, y te anhelo en mi alma. Como ahora no te puedo recibir sacramentalmente, entra al menos espiritualmente en mi corazón. Como si ya hubieras venido, te abrazo y me uno completamente a ti; nunca permitas que me separe de ti. Amén.
(St. Alphonsus de Liguori, 1696-1787)

A suggested form for an Agape Meal is available here.  Remote consecration of elements in viewers’ homes is not sanctioned.  Instead, the Prayer of Spiritual Communion (above) or the creative observance of an Agape Meal is commended.

Private funerals and memorial services may proceed as long as fewer than 10 people are present, physical distancing is maintained and strict hygiene measures are observed.  An outdoor graveside option is strongly recommended.

Expanded liturgical resources have been gathered by members of our Liturgy and Music Commission for use in homes and online worship.  A letter from the commission leaders introduces a host of links to resources for praying the Daily Office, praying with children, formation podcasts, grace at meals, suggestions for “Triduum Under Quarantine” and more.  Find this compendium here.  Additional liturgy and formation resources have been compiled by the Episcopal Church Foundation here.

Plans continue for diocesan online service offerings for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day.  These pre-recorded videotaped services from the Society of St. John the Evangelist, the Society of St. Margaret and the Cathedral Church of St. Paul will be available for use by congregations which do not have resources to offer streaming worship, or as a complement for those who do.  Further details will be forthcoming soon.

Mental health and domestic violence resources

During this time, ordinary channels for mental health support may be disrupted and support groups, like 12-step meetings, may not operate at the usual places and times.  Those under quarantine, sheltering at home or feeling isolated or fearful may need additional support.  The risk of domestic violence may increase.  Stay in touch with people in your congregation through phone calls, video chats and notes.  Find resources for additional support listed on our diocesan COVID-19 Updates page.

Financial and operational matters

COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund:  We have established a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund to respond to emerging, urgent needs in our congregations and affiliated organizations, and in support of collaborations with ecumenical, multifaith and community partners.  The fund will address critical community needs and congregational sustainability during the time of the pandemic.  A grant application with more guidelines will be available soon.  The fund is now open to receive online gifts at www.diomass.org/give-now.  We are deeply grateful for your sacrificial generosity.  “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

COVID-19 testing and care:  The Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law on March 18, offering expanded family and medical leave to many employees.  It appears, based on our research so far, that employees of religious organizations are included.  Further information and guidance should be forthcoming.

The Episcopal Church Medical Trust will waive all co-pays, deductibles and coinsurance for its members for healthcare services relating to the evaluation and testing for COVID-19.  In addition, the Medical Trust will waive all co-pays, deductibles and in-network coinsurance for its active members for healthcare services relating to the treatment of COVID-19.  Any cleric, lay employee or other member with questions about benefits and coverage under healthcare plans offered through the Medical Trust should visit their provider’s website or call the toll-free number on the back of the health insurance card.

For retirees enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan with United Healthcare, Medicare has announced that there will be no out-of-pocket costs for COVID-19 lab tests.  For more information regarding Medicare benefits and additional information, please visit www.medicare.gov/medicare-coronavirus.

Clergy pension contribution waivers:  Congregations may be eligible for a waiver of clergy pension plan assessments for a period of up to two months.  Church Pension Fund policy allows temporary relief to congregations whose ability to function is severely impaired following a major disaster or state of emergency.  This waiver is intended only for congregations which lack the resources, including endowments, to pay pension plan assessments and continue to function.  We are consulting with CPF to determine criteria for these waivers and will be in touch with specific information about applications.  Please do not request waivers at this time; an announcement and application form is forthcoming.

Additional operational and financial guidance for congregations:  A document addressing practical concerns surrounding maintenance, operations, administration and finance is available here.  Our team of congregational consultants stands ready to support clergy and lay leaders during this difficult time.  Please speak to your regional canon to schedule a consultation.

The Massachusetts Council of Churches has a very useful COVID-19 Response page which contains links to upcoming events, webinars, resources, online giving platforms and online worship and meeting tools.  The MCC page also includes a link to a survey requested by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), to assist with the statewide response to COVID-19, as well as links to organizations providing critical support to the most vulnerable.

Additionally, an Episcopal Relief & Development webinar on “Institutional Support Systems During COVID-19” on Friday, March 27 at 3 p.m. may be of interest.