Welcoming God. Welcoming Community. Welcoming You.

Author: Susan Kryczka

A Pastoral Reflection from Bishop Gates March 27, 2020

A Pastoral Reflection from Bishop Gates March 27, 2020

March 27, 2020

Dear People of the Diocese of Massachusetts,

The story is told of a man caught in the turmoil of an earthquake.  With the world falling down around him, he fell to his knees to pray.  Fearful, stricken with dread, he could not form the words.  A devout and lifelong person of faith, he had heard and spoken countless prayers, in public worship and in private.  But in this moment of blind panic, neither the familiar words of the liturgy nor the extemporized plea of his heart took shape.

So he recited as prayer the only thing that came:  he prayed the alphabet.  “A, b, c, d, e, f, g …,” he offered fervently, “… h, i, j, k, …”  On it went, this heartfelt petition, “… p, q, r, s, t, …,”  to its ardent Amen.

The prayer was genuine.  The prayer was offered.  And the prayer, surely, was received.  God knew precisely the prayer of this man’s heart.

As Saint Paul has promised, “the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” [Romans 8:26-27]

In these troublous times we find ourselves struggling for the right words to say to God and to one another.  We search for the right forms, individual and communal.  In our longing for normalcy, we may strive to replicate the most familiar ritual elements and routines.  Other times we may seek fresh inspiration for our prayers and expressions of community.  And sometimes we will need simply to know that for now we are fasting in the wilderness.  Sacramentally and socially, we are fasting – yet we are doing that together with one another around the globe, which is its own gift and grace.

Dear friends in Christ, in these days of wilderness journey:  Keep it simple.  Focus on what matters most.  Pace yourself for the long haul.  Be patient, with yourself and with one another.  Be genuine.  Be generous.  Be grateful.  Love one another.  Spare a word to the lonely.  Contribute to the neediest among us.

Lean on God and pray.  And know that your prayer is good enough, however it comes.  A, b, c, d, …

Faithfully and fondly,


The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates

Important – March 25 COVID-19 Update from the Bishops – Note the Message on Future In-Person Services

Important – March 25 COVID-19 Update from the Bishops – Note the Message on Future In-Person Services

March 25, 2020

Dear Clergy and Lay Leaders of Our Diocese,

The season of Lent is always a time for returning our focus to those things which matter most. In these strange days we find ourselves doing just that–concentrating our every thought and prayer on health and security, petition and thanksgiving, life and love, God and neighbor.

Please see below our latest updates. These guidelines reflect Governor Baker’s March 23 advisory, with its definitions of “Essential Services,” as well as consultation with civic health and policy officers, New England bishops, advisors from church-wide emergency management departments and others.

We continue to be deeply grateful for every way that you are serving your congregations and your communities, every way that you are finding to be the Church in this unprecedented circumstance. May God bless us abundantly with wisdom, compassion, courage and grace.


The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates
The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris


You should now plan for no in-person public worship services until May 31.  We will hope fervently that we might have a Spirit-filled celebration of Pentecost on that day.  As with our March 21 communication, this restriction governs in-person worship open to the public.  Online and live-streamed services from church buildings remain permissible, as long as fewer than 10 people are present, physical distancing is maintained and strict hygiene measures are observed.  Our current listing of churches providing online worship is available here.

If Holy Eucharist is celebrated for live-streamed services, the celebrant alone should receive the sacrament (understood as receiving on behalf of all the people) or the celebrant should abstain (understood as sharing in the fast of all the people).  Others present for the videotaping or broadcast should not receive.  In place of the Invitation (“The gifts of God…”), the following Prayer of Spiritual Communion, as used at Washington National Cathedral, is recommended:

My Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love you above all things, and long for you in my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though you have already come, I embrace you and unite myself entirely to you; never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

Jesús mío, creo que eres verdaderamente presente en el Sagrado Sacramento del Altar. Te amo encima de todas las cosas, y te anhelo en mi alma. Como ahora no te puedo recibir sacramentalmente, entra al menos espiritualmente en mi corazón. Como si ya hubieras venido, te abrazo y me uno completamente a ti; nunca permitas que me separe de ti. Amén.
(St. Alphonsus de Liguori, 1696-1787)

A suggested form for an Agape Meal is available here.  Remote consecration of elements in viewers’ homes is not sanctioned.  Instead, the Prayer of Spiritual Communion (above) or the creative observance of an Agape Meal is commended.

Private funerals and memorial services may proceed as long as fewer than 10 people are present, physical distancing is maintained and strict hygiene measures are observed.  An outdoor graveside option is strongly recommended.

Expanded liturgical resources have been gathered by members of our Liturgy and Music Commission for use in homes and online worship.  A letter from the commission leaders introduces a host of links to resources for praying the Daily Office, praying with children, formation podcasts, grace at meals, suggestions for “Triduum Under Quarantine” and more.  Find this compendium here.  Additional liturgy and formation resources have been compiled by the Episcopal Church Foundation here.

Plans continue for diocesan online service offerings for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day.  These pre-recorded videotaped services from the Society of St. John the Evangelist, the Society of St. Margaret and the Cathedral Church of St. Paul will be available for use by congregations which do not have resources to offer streaming worship, or as a complement for those who do.  Further details will be forthcoming soon.

Mental health and domestic violence resources

During this time, ordinary channels for mental health support may be disrupted and support groups, like 12-step meetings, may not operate at the usual places and times.  Those under quarantine, sheltering at home or feeling isolated or fearful may need additional support.  The risk of domestic violence may increase.  Stay in touch with people in your congregation through phone calls, video chats and notes.  Find resources for additional support listed on our diocesan COVID-19 Updates page.

Financial and operational matters

COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund:  We have established a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund to respond to emerging, urgent needs in our congregations and affiliated organizations, and in support of collaborations with ecumenical, multifaith and community partners.  The fund will address critical community needs and congregational sustainability during the time of the pandemic.  A grant application with more guidelines will be available soon.  The fund is now open to receive online gifts at www.diomass.org/give-now.  We are deeply grateful for your sacrificial generosity.  “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

COVID-19 testing and care:  The Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law on March 18, offering expanded family and medical leave to many employees.  It appears, based on our research so far, that employees of religious organizations are included.  Further information and guidance should be forthcoming.

The Episcopal Church Medical Trust will waive all co-pays, deductibles and coinsurance for its members for healthcare services relating to the evaluation and testing for COVID-19.  In addition, the Medical Trust will waive all co-pays, deductibles and in-network coinsurance for its active members for healthcare services relating to the treatment of COVID-19.  Any cleric, lay employee or other member with questions about benefits and coverage under healthcare plans offered through the Medical Trust should visit their provider’s website or call the toll-free number on the back of the health insurance card.

For retirees enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan with United Healthcare, Medicare has announced that there will be no out-of-pocket costs for COVID-19 lab tests.  For more information regarding Medicare benefits and additional information, please visit www.medicare.gov/medicare-coronavirus.

Clergy pension contribution waivers:  Congregations may be eligible for a waiver of clergy pension plan assessments for a period of up to two months.  Church Pension Fund policy allows temporary relief to congregations whose ability to function is severely impaired following a major disaster or state of emergency.  This waiver is intended only for congregations which lack the resources, including endowments, to pay pension plan assessments and continue to function.  We are consulting with CPF to determine criteria for these waivers and will be in touch with specific information about applications.  Please do not request waivers at this time; an announcement and application form is forthcoming.

Additional operational and financial guidance for congregations:  A document addressing practical concerns surrounding maintenance, operations, administration and finance is available here.  Our team of congregational consultants stands ready to support clergy and lay leaders during this difficult time.  Please speak to your regional canon to schedule a consultation.

The Massachusetts Council of Churches has a very useful COVID-19 Response page which contains links to upcoming events, webinars, resources, online giving platforms and online worship and meeting tools.  The MCC page also includes a link to a survey requested by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), to assist with the statewide response to COVID-19, as well as links to organizations providing critical support to the most vulnerable.

Additionally, an Episcopal Relief & Development webinar on “Institutional Support Systems During COVID-19” on Friday, March 27 at 3 p.m. may be of interest.

Rev. Joyce’s Blog – Adversity, Melt Downs and Victories

Rev. Joyce’s Blog – Adversity, Melt Downs and Victories

Adversity, melt downs and victories

The Corona virus is so named because it looks like a crown! So where do we find the victory for that crown?

Yesterday in my household, we had three melt downs. The expression ‘melt down ‘ comes from the effect of a nuclear facility’s failure that results in intense heat that melts down the infrastructure of the power plant. Melt downs in my household happen when tolerance ends and chaos follows.

All the children are now at home. As a grandparent I am home caring for grandchildren. This experience has to be somehow universal.

I’m homeschooling. I never thought I’d be doing this but felt up to the challenge. That is until yesterday. I began with an attempt at scheduling.

“We will begin school at 9:00 am!” I declared. And we did! The computer, so frequently, used was to be our savior, right? But there are too many students and parents are using it! So when grandchild #1 tried to “Zoom” with his teacher at 11:00 am, we couldn’t connect. Child screams at grandma, “Grandma! You don’t use the HELP button!” At this point, only God can help because teacher A forgot the scheduled zoom.  Not revealed, of course, until 6:00 pm. The reveal … went to mom, not grandma. Tears, frustration, and anger abounded!

At 5:00 pm, mother is expected home, all is well?  Kids are hungry, grandma’s house is a mess. No one has mentioned dinner.  Hmmm. She’ll be home soon…. maybe?  Nope! Child #2 is starving! She demands another grilled cheese sandwich before supper. A phone call to mom reveals a crisis has come up in the nursing home over who is going to be ALLOWED into the nursing home when this pandemic blows up. She is delayed.

Grandma is frustrated, her house is a mess, people are calling, everyone is hungry… child #2 throws herself down on the bed in tears. Grandma screams [inside]  but the meltdown has become a unifying experience.

Dinner is quickly devised, mom returns home, teacher reveals mistake. All is well.

And that, my friends is the CROWN.

We must simply get through this. And God is providing the patience and the glory and the joy that today we made it through.

May God bless you and keep you safe and connected and patient. We will get to the other side of this and God will be delivering our crowns, not some silly invisible virus.


Joyce Caggiano


March 21 COVID-19 Update from Bishop Gates  – All Public Worship Canceled through Holy Week and Easter Day

March 21 COVID-19 Update from Bishop Gates – All Public Worship Canceled through Holy Week and Easter Day

The following  update was received From Bishop Gates this afternoon, 3/21/20. It contains important information. Please read it carefully:

March 21, 2020

*** Please be aware, as we are, that some guidelines below may be superseded by rapidly changing circumstances. ***

Dear Clergy and Lay Leaders of our Diocese,

In the midst of the ceaseless round of Zoom conferences and evolving updates from public officials, I remain hopeful and grounded by virtue of knowing that each of you is serving faithfully in your local congregations and communities.  Thank you!

Bishop Gayle Harris has extended to our diocese a welcomed pastoral word in her letter yesterday.  This follows my own pastoral reflection last Saturday.  As your bishops, Gayle and I commit to sending such a pastoral communiqué to you each Friday for as long as this crisis endures.  Knowing that not all those in our pews receive diocesan communications or follow our social media, I hope that you will feel encouraged to extend these pastoral letters to your people through your own channels, and/or read from them in your weekend virtual gatherings, or in other ways you deem best.

Like you, we are feverishly absorbing and responding to latest developments.  Many decisions and plans are pending.  Consultation with diocesan leaders and other New England bishops is constantly ongoing.  Your prayers and patience are bidden!


  • It is now clear that all public worship services must be cancelled through Holy Week and Easter Day.  This is a bitter reality for us all, but represents our need to care for one another and our wider community.  An extended period of cancellations is to be expected.
  • Liturgical plans are underway for diocesan offering of virtual worship for the Triduum and Easter Day, to be shaped as circumstances allow.  These offerings will be available to all, but need not replace any virtual offerings for which your congregation has already been laying plans.  Like you, we are striving for newly imagined collaborations and shared virtual community.
  • During this time of necessitated fasting from eucharistic nourishment, our deep sense of loss may tempt us to “work-arounds” that are not theologically or epidemiologically advised.  Remote online pseudo-consecrations are not sanctioned; outdoor Eucharists cannot realistically comply with public health guidelines.  Instead, be encouraged to explore the tradition of Spiritual Communion (as suggested in Bishop Gayle’s pastoral letter), or by some creative version of an online agape meal, during which readings and prayers could be complemented by a simultaneous moment of enjoying one’s own comestibles.
  • Numerous resources for at-home worship are commended.  See our updated roster of churches offering online worship here.  Bishop Gayle’s pastoral letter reviews Book of Common Prayer resources for home devotions.  Our diocesan website will soon offer an expanded listing of further at-home and online resources.  Remember that Morning Prayer is a strong and viable option for both individual and communal online worship.


  • We are deeply aware that the current crisis will have dramatic effect on finances not only in our households, but also in our congregations and our diocese.  At the local and churchwide level, these conversations are underway.  The timing of investment draws, amelioration of assessments, emergency relief appeals–all of these and more are being evaluated for their potential impact on our life together.
  • Specific budgetary ideas and recommendations for congregations from our congregational consultants, the Massachusetts Council of Churches and others will be shared next week, as well as tips for congregations desiring to initiate online giving, and more.
  • In all of this, we must hold as paramount our concern for those most economically vulnerable in our congregations and communities.  There is no doubt that various forms of sacrifice will be called for.  “Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.”

Caring for one another:

  • It is critical that everyone remain at home unless it is essential to go out, abiding by the most cautious of guidelines and restrictions.  This is precisely because we care for one another, and must not–however inadvertently–risk spreading this deadly virus.  We are told that we can be passing the virus to others for at least five days before we have any symptoms ourselves.  For now, “virtual” presence is “virtuous” indeed.
  • Perhaps at no time in our memory have we been challenged more fully to live into the oft-quoted truth that “The church is not the building.”  The doors are closed; the Church is not!  Bishop Gayle’s letter reminds us that the closing of our church buildings “will temporarily keep us from public worship and providing ministry in our physical presence, but they do not dismantle our pastoral and spiritual ministries in the world and with each other.”
  • In addition to virtual worship, use every means available to stay in community with one another!  Clergy, pastoral care teams and, indeed, every member should reach out with frequent calls, cards, “buddy systems,” checking in–any way to assure that our “social distancing” is physical only.  Phone, Zoom, Skype, e-mails…use whatever means you can to assure others that they are remembered and supported!

Faithfully and fondly,
The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates

Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves:  Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts, crippling anxieties and self-centeredness which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  [The Book of Common Prayer, p. 218; alt.]

A Pastoral Message from Bishop Gayle E. Harris

A Pastoral Message from Bishop Gayle E. Harris

March 20, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ:

God of grace and God of glory,
on thy people pour thy power;
crown thine ancient Church’s story;
bring her bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the facing of this hour…
…for the living of these days.
From Hymn 594, 
The Hymnal 1982, Words by Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969)

A few days ago I sent some of my thoughts to the vocational deacons of our diocese, and I wish to share those and other reflections with all among and connected to us during this time of crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

These are difficult days for the people of Planet Earth, our island home.  These are challenging days for Christ’s Body, the Church.  While the pandemic of COVID-19 has forced the isolation of one from another, and the present global fear is new to most of us in 2020, pandemics and fear are not new in humanity, nor to the Church.

We can remember the fear and the epidemics of SARS, MERS, Ebola and other diseases that most of us have not experienced directly.  As a seminarian, I was involved with ministries in Oakland and San Francisco when AIDS, mysterious and unnamed, began to strike fear.  As I was growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, my parents lived with fear every spring trying to keep me inside for fear of my contracting polio, as my uncles did (one died, one was disabled), until the vaccine was developed and widely distributed when I was about eight years old.

The influenza pandemic of 1918, yellow fever, smallpox, bubonic plague, the Black Death–the list goes on of deadly communicable diseases that have visited us.  All began as mysterious, even invisible, agents of panic, suffering and death.

And what are now “childhood diseases” were at times intentionally given to the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas by invading Europeans to cause death among those who had no immunity.

The precautions mandated by Governor Baker of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the directives of our Bishop Diocesan Alan Gates and the statements by our Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry have been for our protection, and largely to curtail exposure to COVID-19.  They will temporarily keep us from public worship and providing ministry in our physical presence, but they do not dismantle our pastoral and spiritual ministries in the world and with each other.

I, like you, miss being present with others.  I long for the sacrament of the Eucharist, not only the act of the community of faith, but the grace and strength I need to keep hope alive in these days.  I turned to my St. Augustine Prayer Book, to the section titled “Spiritual Communion: When unable to attend the Mass,” and these words jumped off the page:

Behold, I stand at the door and knock:
if any hear my voice, and open the door,
I will come to them,
and will sup with them
and they with me.
–Revelation 3:20

In union, dear Lord, with the faithful at every altar of thy Church where the blessed body and blood are being offered to the Father, I desire to offer thee praise and thanksgiving.  I believe that Thou art truly present in the Holy Sacrament.  And since I cannot now receive thee sacramentally, I beseech thee to come spiritually into my heart.

I unite myself unto thee, and embrace thee with all the affections of my soul.  Let me never be separated from thee.  Let me live and die in thy love. Amen.
–St. Augustine of Hippo

As we do continue in a spiritual community, we can offer solace and ministry to those who are alone, vulnerable, afraid, confused and ill by communicating our presence in ways to which we are unaccustomed, by the use of telephone, electronic and social media.  Let us also rely on the power of prayer to encourage and support one another.  As members of the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement we have a rich and creative tradition to face days like these.  We also have the liturgical and spiritual resources of several hymnals and The Book of Common Prayer.  It is time to rediscover the wealth of prayers and worship services for individuals and families within it.  These resources can help us to articulate our hopes and needs, especially when words may fail us.  If you do not have a copy, The Book of Common Prayer is available online here.

The Daily Offices are prayerful worship services intended for congregations, individuals and families, and do not require clergy to officiate.  Please see the following:

Pages 17-135
Morning Prayer (Rite I or II)
Evening Prayer (Rite I or II)
Compline (for the end of the day)

Page 136-143
Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families:
In the Morning
At Noon
In the Early Evening
At the Close of the Day

Pages 814-841
Prayers and Thanksgivings (Various)

St. Augustine of Hippo once said “they who sing pray twice” acknowledging that in song we tie heart and mind with our whole body in the act of singing.  As I turn to prayer, our hymnals and the spirituals of the black religious experience keep coming to mind.  The one hymn from The Hymnal 1982 that continually comes to mind, and that I pray for the world, is Hymn 680, with words by Isaac Watts (1674-1748):

O God, our help in ages past, our help for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home.

May we continue in faith and may we know God’s grace is present to give us strength and hope.  Let us pray for the sick and isolated among us, and those who are despondent and disconsolate from fear.  Let us also pray for first responders, the medical community, government leaders and biological scientists and researchers to be led by courage, compassion and the wisdom of God.

Yours in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris

Update: March 22 Service

Update: March 22 Service

Dear Friends of Emmanuel,

Emmanuel Church live services are suspended for the foreseeable future. Any updates from the diocese or Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be posted on the website and sent by email.

– Joyce’s sermon for this Sunday, March 22 will be on our website by Sunday night, as usual.  We continue to consider other options. We will let you know about these as we move forward.

Many churches in our Episcopal diocese are live-streaming services. We encourage you to choose one from the link below and attend virtually.

List of congregations live-streaming and podcasting worship services

These are conducted with no in-person worshipers. Only one or two people are in attendance to serve or help with the technology. These services can indeed be a deeply moving spiritual experience and strengthen our collective faith as we continue to be united by God’s word.

Other faith communities have also suspended services.  Read the story in the March 19 edition of the Bulletin newspapers. Joyce’s picture is on the front page:  https://bulletinnewspapers.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/4/8/114832579/wr_ros_bulletin_pages_1_to_16__19march2020.pdf

Take care of yourselves. Pray for all affected by this health emergency.

In Christ,

John and Susan, Wardens




Message from Emmanuel Wardens and March 16 Communication from Bishop Alan Gates

Dear Friends of Emmanuel,

I write to inform you that Sunday worship services have been suspended indefinitely for the foreseeable future.

We are currently exploring several online streaming options that will enable you to share in Sunday worship online and will bring more details shortly

Below is an excerpt of the most recent communication from the office of Bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts:


“Thank you for your faithful leadership and care for your respective congregations in these past few days.  We have been gratified by reports of the innovative ways you are finding to worship and to support one another in virtual community.

At this moment it is important to communicate new restrictions by which we must abide given the latest mandates from Governor Baker, effective immediately, and to let you know of several Zoom meetings set up for clergy (and wardens-in-charge) on Tuesday and Thursday of this week to discuss best practices, breaking developments and local response to the care of our neighbors.  Please review thoroughly all details of this letter, and last week’s two communiques.

We look forward to sharing additional learnings from last Sunday’s online worship experiences, as well as further resources and pastoral messages later in the week.

Faithfully and gratefully,

The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates

The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris

Public Worship Services

Given Governor Baker’s directive, all public worship services are to be canceled through and including Palm Sunday, April 5.  Congregations are encouraged to live-stream services.  Those gathering in person to conduct online streaming or broadcasts must number fewer than 25 and follow the protocols distributed on March 11 and March 12, found here.

Planning Ahead

The COVID-19 crisis is likely to extend beyond the current period of the public health directive.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now suggesting protocols extending at least eight weeks.  Please plan for disruptions and cancellations beyond April 5.

Weddings and Funerals

Weddings and funerals will likely need to be postponed, given Governor Baker’s directive.  Should such services take place, no more than 25 persons may attend and the protocols for safe gathering must be followed.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

The following guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting come from the CDC and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are commended to congregations and church-affiliated ministries:



We will share other ways of staying in touch with your parish family in coming days.

We ask that you refer to the Emmanuel website at  www.emmanuelwr.org  for the latest updates.

Please take care of each other during this challenging time and remember that social distancing does not mean social isolation.

In Christ,

Susan and John

A Pastoral Message from Bishop Gates – March 14, 2020

A Pastoral Message from Bishop Gates – March 14, 2020

March 14, 2020

Dear People of the Diocese of Massachusetts,

Yesterday I looked out at the city park beneath my window.  The usual Friday afternoon bustle was nowhere in evidence.  A surreal and eerie quiet had descended there, as it has on so much of our lives.  Two lonely musicians appeared with guitar and drum, set up a busker spot on the edge of the park, and began to play into the wind, singing to their virtually empty surroundings.  Gradually I recognized strains of the Mumford & Sons chorus:

But you are not alone in this

You are not alone in this

As brothers we will stand

And we’ll hold your hand …

In the strangeness of the moment, it was a comforting assurance from an unexpected direction. A few hours later I found myself at the bedside of one beloved to us all who had just slipped peacefully from this world to the next.  In the sure and certain hope which we claim, I gave voice to the Church’s prayers of commendation:

Depart, O Christian soul, out of this world …

into the blessed rest of everlasting peace,

and into the glorious company of the saints in light.

A solitary moment, yet embodying the fullest companionship imaginable.

At no time are we alone.  Here, there.  Now, then.  At few moments in our memory have we more needed to remember this, to assure one another of this and to show forth that conviction to others as Christians.

Our Sabbath day tomorrow will be marked by communal prayers, many of us for the first time employing electronic means to be “together” while apart.  Even churches maintaining onsite worship will adhere to stringent means of “social distancing.”  Yet in profound ways, we are not alone in this.  We are together, by God’s grace.  And we must resist the worst manifestations of panicked individualism taking hold in so many quarters around us.

Find a way to be in community, however virtual.  Pray alone, pray together.  Reach out to those who live alone. Contribute to the emerging needs of those most vulnerable.

In the week ahead we will continue to track all the best wisdom about how to stay safe, and keep others safe.  We will share what we are learning about creative ways to worship and keep together while apart.  We will renew our determination to be the Body of Christ in the world, singing into the wind, “You are not alone in this.”

Faithfully and fondly,


The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates