Rev. Joyce’s Blog Pentecost: What Does It Mean? May 25, 2020
Pentecost. What Does It Mean?
“The name in Greek means “the fiftieth day” because it falls on the 50th day after Passover. At this feast the first fruits of the corn harvest were presented (Deut. 16.9) and in most later times, the giving of the Law of Moses was commemorated.”
from “The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church”
The reading from Acts 2: 1-21 describes the event that the church has named Pentecost. This story of how the fearful apostles, huddled in a room discussing their dismay and bewilderment. It represents the beginning of the spread of the Good News – that Christ was born, died, and is risen from the dead.
The Ascension has put Jesus back in heaven with God and left the Apostles on earth still wondering what to do. They are given the arduous task of spreading the gospel. It was scary and challenging and brought with it all kinds of risks. Courage was required. Thus, the Holy Spirit was provided to the followers so that they would know their work and do it with passion and joy.
The speaking and/or understanding of many languages is the animation of what it means to go out into the world proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The emphasis is on “the world” – meaning everyone – no matter who or where – beyond culture and language and race and gender, etc.
Some churches call this the birthday of the church – the point at which the church begins its ministry. I think regarding Pentecost as the birthday of the church is trite and minimizes what was truly a momentous reality. No longer is the gospel being shared with just the Jews in Jerusalem but to ALL, in every language and nation.
This is the essence of the feast. I like to think of it as the day we learn to burst out of our individuality, our social prejudices, our comfortable homes and clubs, etc. We can go OUT into the world with courage and blessings understanding that God is with us and the Holy Spirit will guide us and bless us for our work and provide us with courage.
What I see and what I experience of Pentecost is the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, as an essential part of our Christian responsibility to share God’s love with ALL people.
Special Note: We invite parishioners to participate in our Sermon Dialogue discussion and taping on Saturday, May 30 at 3:00 pm via Zoom. We hope you can take the time and are given the courage to speak about Pentecost. It can be fun, and I hope affirming. You can use this blog as a discussion starter or as a stimulus for your thinking.
If you are interested in participating, please email us at and we can send you the details.