Welcome to Emmanuel Episcopal Church in West Roxbury, Massachusetts. We aspire to be a spiritual center for ourselves and the greater community; to work toward a deeper understanding of our lives in Christ; and to love, nurture, and celebrate one another in our diversity.
In keeping with Anglican tradition and theology, the Episcopal Church considers itself “Protestant, yet Catholic.” Grounded in contemporary spirituality, our worship brings both community and tradition together. Worship is the main way we center ourselves in Christ and receive nurturing, healing, and forgiveness, and the call to faith in life together.
At Emmanuel you can expect to find people from all walks of life — young and old, straight and gay, married, single, partnered and everything in between. Some folks have come to Emmanuel for most of their lives. Others have been here less than a year. We welcome you and those you love.
We have a warm, inviting congregation and we get to know you by name. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey — full of faith, full of doubt or somewhere in between — you are welcome here.

Worship Time
10:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite II with traditional hymns and contemporary music.
Scripture study, or other relevant topic study, is often held in Advent or Lent.
Special saints’ and feast days are marked on the nearest Sunday.
Liturgical Sacraments
Holy Baptism is held four times a year on High Feast Sundays—All Saints’, Epiphany, Easter, and Pentecost. Baptisms can be arranged at other times in consultation with the Priest.
Holy Matrimony is performed as requested. Please call early (3 to 6 months in advance) in order to ensure your selected date can be met. Pre-marital counseling is recommended at least three (3) months prior to your wedding date.
Rite of Reconciliation by appointment.

Sunday School
**Due to COVID-19 there is no Sunday school.**
Sunday school meets each week with the exception of school and summer vacations, and holiday weekends. Class begins at 9:45 am in the “Guild Room” (a living room next to the Parish Hall) and consists of reading scripture, Bible stories, and discussions about church services and customs. Parents are welcome to sit in at any time. The children join their families for the rest of the service at the exchange of the peace. Children are encouraged to participate in bringing forward the gifts at the Offertory and participate in other ways if they wish.